Hi Everyone,
Well my hair is coming out faster than I’d imagined it would so I went to drastic measures on Sunday. Steph and I went to see Christine again and I finally got my Mohawk. (at least for a day) Sorry Mom. I think I look pretty cute though. : )
Also, I have received the greatest “Be Tough During Chemo” gift of all time. After I sent out my Chemo e-mail, our dear friend Jason Hudoba responded in such a generous way that I can not thank him enough. As you know I am a huge Vikings fan since moving to Minnesota in 1993, however as Coach Cowher said in his resignation speech; "You can take the girl out of Pittsburgh, but you can't take Pittsburgh out of the girl." Being born in Pittsburgh and growing up a Steelers fan, many of you know that #58, Jack Lambert, is my all time favorite player. Jason, however, did not. Call it divine intervention, call it just plain great taste. As Jason was looking for something to make me feel better and stronger for all the remaining chemo sessions, he presented me with the most fabulous picture of no other than #58 himself, Jack Lambert. I can't think of a better image to get strength then from the toughest linebacker ever to play in the NFL.
My new anti nausea drugs are working so much better than the last ones, I had a pretty good weekend all in all. I was fatigued, but not nauseated like the last time. We love when a plan finally comes together.
That’s it for now, I do not have anything all that interesting on the horizon outside of some physical therapy and lab follow ups. Thank you again for joining me on this journey, for your thoughts and prayers and love and friendship. I appreciate it all.
Love to you all!
If you took Jacks helmet off right there, I'm guessing he had a mohawk as well. Stay tough jen, you look great, you know they are always looking for attractive mohawk women in Professional Wrestling...mmmm....just a thought.
Thanks for posting these, Jen. I'm considering walking the 3 day this August, despite not having lost anyone or even having anyone in my immediate family affected! It's updates like yours, stories I've heard, and the fact that it could affect me and my future that make me want to do something about it! Good luck, Godspeed, and I'll be praying for you!
Thank you anonymous. We get many replies via e-mail from friends, but it is great to hear from others. Good luck on the 3 Day decision. It is a big commitment, but with many rewards.
Thanks to all the KS95 friends, especially Moon and Staci for your support!
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