Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 2010 Update

 Hi Everyone,

It’s been a few months since I’ve sent out an update so I thought I’d bring you up to speed on what’s been going on.

First, J.R. and I crossed off the number one thing on my bucket list this spring, a two week trip to Italy. It was fantastic! We went to Venice, Verona, Florence and Rome. It was a trip of a lifetime and was everything I expected it to be and more. Two of my favorite moments were these. Our first night in Venice was lightly raining. All the guide books tell you to “get lost”, so we did. After a few glasses of wine and trying to find our way back to our hotel we came across San Marco Square at about 11:30 when the orchestra was playing their last waltz. There was not a person in sight in the square, so J.R. grabbed my hand and we ran out into the middle of the square and danced and kissed in the rain to the last song. You can’t make it up! There were lots of moments like this throughout the trip.

My other favorite moment was an entire day out in wine country outside of Florence with our friends Jim and Sue Edberg. We were invited out to a farm for a “robust lunch” with an Italian family and friend of Jim and Sue’s. This place was right out of the story books. From the beautiful property to the hospitality of total strangers, every moment I had to stop myself from crying at how perfect the day way. We ate for about 3 hours (everything was homemade and from their land), drank longer, had great conversations even though everything had to be translated, and a nap. It was great! After their hospitality we drove through Chianti country and watched a true Tuscan sunset over vineyards and olive groves. Again, you can’t make it up! Truly one of my favorite days of all time.

Also while in Florence, the Edberg's joined us for a day of Tuscany cooking classes with our chef Paola.  The day included a tour of Florence, a behind the scenes look at the oldest geletaria in Florence, a tour and ingredient shopping at the Market, and of course the cooking classes.  We prepared our meal with the guidance of Paola and her mother, then enjoyed the feast on the sunny patio.  Another great day!

When we got home from Italy, J.R., Steph, Nicky, Zach and I walked in the mother’s day Race for the Cure that takes place every year at the Mall of America. The company I work for, Loffler Companies, was a sponsor for the race and organized a team this year. Thanks Jim!

Did I ever tell you that I have the greatest friends on the planet? I do and there isn’t even a close second! Late May a group or friends got together and planned a benefit / fundraiser for me. They had a silent auction, sold raffle tickets for a great patio set, sold jewelry and a whole host of other items to raise money for my bucket list fund and my charities. They raised over $7,000! Thank you to everyone who participated, donated and came to visit me for the event.  Especially thank you to those dear friends who planned the event.  Vickie, Bart, Eric, Kari, Bo, Pauly, Jill, Eddie, Mitch, Paula, Big Mike, Pam and many others. Forgive me if I do not include everyone, as so many did so much to make this such a fun night for me. I don’t know how I can ever repay your thoughtfulness and generosity. I am truly blessed. 

The Pink Limo added a nice touch at the Jen Event.
The Anderson Family:  Jessica is still in South Korea, but getting a long distance hug from Stephanie and is very much "in the picture" for all Anderson events! 
The second picture includes my sister Susan, Limo guy, me, my mom, Nicky and my Little Aunt Kathy all in from Pittsburgh and Maryland for a visit.

I’ve been training hard for the 3-Day walk again this year and have also signed up for The Hartford Breast Cancer Ride. Both events are in August; yes I’m crazy and wish someone would have talked me out of at least one of these events. My bike training isn’t going all that well. I need to get out more. I at least now have a helmet, black with hot pink. 

You’re probably wondering how treatment is going. Actually it’s going quite well. I have very few side effects, a little dizzy when I leave after the infusions, a chemical feeling in my nose which can cause the occasional nose bleed and some mouth sores. These I can handle. They doubled the Faslodex shot.  This is the one that shuts down estrogen and progesterone production in my body, so the hot flashes are coming on fast and furious again and I’m having trouble sleeping from 2:30 – 5:30 am. Not a big fan. Again, these I can handle.  But….all of this treatment has helped my tumor marker numbers drop 11 points. Yeah! So, what does this mean? Well, at this time, Dr. Bowers is not planning to change or add any new meds for a while, which means, so far, no hardcore chemo with all the nasty side effects, which makes me very happy. All in all, I have no complaints. My head is in the right place, and I am surrounded by people who love me. How bad can life be with all of you in it?

Recently I was given a book to read by my sister Suzanne called “Spiritual Fitness”. No diets in this book. J One of the things that made an impact on me was the section regarding attitude. I think I’ve had a pretty good attitude through this whole thing so I wondered what I could do different that I wasn’t already doing. And you know what? The one thing I haven’t done through this last set back was adjust my attitude back to the “I’m going to kick this thing in the ass and live!” mantra. Which kind of surprised me. So, I made the decision on my way home from Pittsburgh, somewhere over Wisconsin that I am going to beat this thing and live. Cancer is tough but I am going to be tougher. There, I said it out loud. Now my head is really in the right place.

Lastly, I had a little scare this week, after a training walk I had some pain under my right arm pit, where I had my lymph nodes removed, and I felt a small lump. So I called Dr. Bowers the next morning and she got me in to get an ultrasound and possible biopsy the morning after that. Good news, it’s nothing to be concerned with, it’s just some scar tissue from an earlier surgery. Yeah again!

So that’s it. I’ll keep plugging along with treatment and kicking cancers ass. I hope all is well with you all and that life is as good as you can imagine.

Love to you all and God bless!



Anonymous said...

Jen.... I'm happy to hear you had such a great trip to Italy. My father moved there for 10 years and finally just moved back. I just re-watched all of the 1970's Steelers Superbowls on YouTube. I think about you and say a prayer for you EVERYday.



KJ and Bo said...

Strap on the boxing gloves and fight like a girl! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update and we are so happy that you had such a wonderful time in Italy. Wow! You are strong and we know you will kick this crap in the you know what.


Rob and Lydia

Josh said...

Who'da thought scar-tissuue would ever be a welcomed thing?!? Kick its ass Jen - I know you can!